Anatomy (20)
Cornea/Ext (5)
Lids/Lac/Orbit (1)
Fundamentals (4)
Glaucoma (6)
Lens & Cataract (3)
Medicine (1)
Neurology (6)
Optics (5)
Pediatrics (4)
Retina (70)
Refractive Surg (8)
Pathology (2)
Uveitis (21)


The anatomy questions rated from hard-to-easy:

What’s the difference between the American and Russian method of radial keratotomy?

Difficulty: 5 (rated by 3 people)

With LASIK, how does the ablation depth change with treatment size?

Difficulty: 4 (rated by 8 people)

What causes diffuse lamellar keratitis?

Difficulty: 4 (rated by 1 people)

What is the PERK study?

Difficulty: 3.67 (rated by 6 people)

What does eximer stand for, and what wavelength does it use?

Difficulty: 3.5 (rated by 4 people)

refractive test 3

Difficulty: 3 (rated by 2 people)

Name some contraindications to LASIK surgery.

Difficulty: 2.67 (rated by 3 people)

refractive test 4

Difficulty: 2.5 (rated by 2 people)


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