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What is a RSS feed, anyway? The main benefit that RSS feed alerts have over email alerts, is that your RSS client actively searches the feed. Messages aren’t SENT to you, you’re software goes online and PULLS the content to you. This means that there is no chance of you receiving unsolicited content or spam sent to you. Many people use RSS readers to keep track of their favorite websites in a controlled and highly-efficient way. You might set up a feed reader (such as the Google Reader) so that every morning it pulls your favorite postings from a news site, sports scores, and weather forcasts into one place. This way, you can get all the information you need without browsing through a bunch of unrelated websites. Here at OphthoDeck, you can subscribe to our regular feed, or just to the “comments” people make about the various flashcards. You don’t have to remember to visit the site, because any new updates will be captured by your RSS reader. And because you’re in control of your RSS subscriptions, it’s very easy to unsubscribe from the feed at any time. |