There are currently 6 neuro-ophthalmology flashcards. How would you like to view them:
Tips for studying Neuro-Ophthalmology:
Neurology can be a difficult topic in our field, especially if you are a new resident. I used to hate neuro-ophthalmology and ended up scoring in the bottom ten percentile on my first inservice. However, I bumped this up to the TOP ten percentile the following year by methodically learning this stuff (and rotating through pediatric strabismus service). Read your book … fortunately, most neuro questions can be figured out if you have a good understanding of nerve/muscle anatomy.
Also, you should understand the weird scotomas (junctional and occipital temporal sparing). Also, learn the keywords for the different nystagmus such as see-saw, congenital OKN response, etc.. Don’t kill yourself on the weird nomenclature for the hallucinations, illusions, alexia without agraphia, etc.. These terms are difficult to memorize and you’ll likely never see any of these syndromes in real life.
Download the NeuroOphth MP3s
If you really want to learn neuroophthalmology, and you have an iPod or other mp3 player, I recommend downloading and listening to the J Lawton Smith tapes over at the Novel website. He has his entire audio series of lectures (from the 70s) available for download to mp3. They are really funny, and the first twenty are all high yield. Especially look at the cranial nerve tapes, optic neuritis, and migraines.
The Novel website is designed with frames, so can be confusing to navigate, so follow these instructions:
1. Click on “Enter the Collection”
2. If you want to download the lectures as a podcast in iTunes, click the red RSS icon. Then on the next page, choose the link to the right “download to itunes”
3. If you want to download the actual MP3s, choose “Dr. Smith’s original outline” for a list of the mp3 files. Or just click here.