Anatomy (20)
Cornea/Ext (5)
Lids/Lac/Orbit (1)
Fundamentals (4)
Glaucoma (6)
Lens & Cataract (3)
Medicine (1)
Neurology (6)
Optics (5)
Pediatrics (4)
Retina (70)
Refractive Surg (8)
Pathology (2)
Uveitis (21)


There are currently 8 refractive surgery flashcards. How would you like to view them:


Tips for studying Refractive Surgery:
Even though many of the refractive surgery techniques taught are rarely used, you need to know about entities like conductive keratoplasty. You should also know the ranges of refractive error that LASIK/PRK can cover. Concepts of corneal-curvature, coupling, and how radial and limbal incisions affect things.


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